Config ISPCE Tercepat For Gratis Internet Telkomsel April 2012

Ketemu lagi gan, heheheeeee.. sorry yach baru nongol, soalnya banyak kesibukan di dunia nyata, jadi nya gak ter urus dech...

kali ini ane akan bagikan Config ISPCE Tercepat Buat Telkomsel yang ter cepat, bisa tembus Up 4mb loe, pasti mau donk yang cepat,, apalagi gratis, hahahaaaa.... ya udah, langsung aja yach gak usah banyak basa basi,

bagi yang mau download, gak usah panjang lebar,
Config ISPCE Tercepat Buat Telkomsel langsung aja klik disini. bagi yang belum punya Software ISPCE nya silahkan klik disini.

password link IDWS: fauzi3


  1. belum april, tapi makasih, ditempatku pakai SC 2MB tembus 320KBps/sec cuma isep doank langsung tancep di mozilla dan idm... apalagi kalo pakai yang 8MB tapi sayang gak punya yang 8MB, ciri-cirinya gmna sih gan?

  2. sedot dulu gan, tak coba yaaa

  3. makasih bro, benar benar cepat

  4. apakah bisa bertahan hingga memasuki bulan april

  5. cara menggunakannya gimana gan

  6. 1. Install dulu ISPCE kemudian jalankan aplikasinya,
    2. load aja file confiqnya.
    3. bisa di gabung sama alat temour lain, atau langsung tancep aja proxi isepnya di browser

  7. gan speed ane kog tetep 50kbps ya? it gmn cranya bs mpe 300kbp?hrus pketan dahulu kah?pdhl krtu sc 8mb

    1. ia daftar paket fun night dulu, heheheee.. cuma 1rb kok, kalo yang gak daftar, di kasih 512 doank... wkwkwkwk

  8. maaf nih gan newbie..
    saya sudah pakai ispce terus digabung sama tunnelier kok ga bisa connect yah 12:00:05.453 Bitvise Tunnelier, a fully featured SSH2 client.
    Copyright (C) 2000-2011 by Bitvise Limited.
    Portions Copyright (C) 1995-2003 by Wei Dai.
    12:00:05.453 Visit for latest information about our SSH2 products.
    12:00:05.453 Run 'Tunnelier -help' to learn the supported command-line parameters.
    12:00:05.796 Loading last used profile 'D:\flash\KINGSTON (F)\config tunnel\1089.'.
    12:00:05.796 Last used profile loaded successfully.
    12:00:09.484 Loading profile 'D:\flash\KINGSTON (F)\config tunnel\1088.'.
    12:00:09.484 Profile loaded successfully.
    12:00:10.203 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:00:10.203 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:00:15.578 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:00:15.687 Automatic reconnection started.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:00:18.
    12:00:17.687 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:00:17.687 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:00:19.828 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:00:19.843 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:00:24.
    12:00:23.843 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:00:23.843 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:00:27.515 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:00:27.531 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:00:36.
    12:00:35.531 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:00:35.531 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:00:37.562 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:00:37.562 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:00:54.
    12:00:53.562 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:00:53.562 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:00:54.343 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:00:54.359 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:01:26.
    12:01:26.359 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:01:26.359 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:01:27.171 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:01:27.171 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:02:27.
    12:02:27.171 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:02:27.171 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:02:27.859 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:02:27.875 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:03:28.
    gmana yah..
    mohon sharenya gan.. thanks

  9. maaf nih gan masih newbie..
    saya sudah pakai confignya dengan ispce.. trus saya gabung dengan tunnelier tapi kok ga bisa connect yah 12:00:05.453 Bitvise Tunnelier, a fully featured SSH2 client.
    Copyright (C) 2000-2011 by Bitvise Limited.
    Portions Copyright (C) 1995-2003 by Wei Dai.
    12:00:05.453 Visit for latest information about our SSH2 products.
    12:00:05.453 Run 'Tunnelier -help' to learn the supported command-line parameters.
    12:00:05.796 Loading last used profile 'D:\flash\KINGSTON (F)\config tunnel\1089.'.
    12:00:05.796 Last used profile loaded successfully.
    12:00:09.484 Loading profile 'D:\flash\KINGSTON (F)\config tunnel\1088.'.
    12:00:09.484 Profile loaded successfully.
    12:00:10.203 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:00:10.203 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:00:15.578 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:00:15.687 Automatic reconnection started.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:00:18.
    12:00:17.687 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:00:17.687 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:00:19.828 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:00:19.843 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:00:24.
    12:00:23.843 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:00:23.843 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:00:27.515 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:00:27.531 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:00:36.
    12:00:35.531 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:00:35.531 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:00:37.562 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:00:37.562 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:00:54.
    12:00:53.562 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:00:53.562 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:00:54.343 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:00:54.359 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:01:26.
    12:01:26.359 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:01:26.359 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:01:27.171 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:01:27.171 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:02:27.
    12:02:27.171 Starting a new SSH2 session.
    12:02:27.171 Connecting to SSH2 server via HTTP proxy.
    12:02:27.859 Connection failed. HTTP CONNECT request failed: status 403, reason: Forbidden.
    12:02:27.875 Continuing with automatic reconnection.
    Reconnection attempt is scheduled at 12:03:28.
    mohon share nya gan..

    1. pertama,, perhatikan IPC
      kedua,,,, simpan confignya jangan di flashdisk, simpan di directory installasi software,
      ketiga,,, baru load ulang confignya
      keempat,, coba isepnya pake port 8088
      kelima,,, kalo mau cepat, gabung aja ISPCE dengan PF
      keenam,,, langsung maknyosssss gan...

  10. gan, kalo connect via PCsuite, hp harus daftar paket ato langsung konek aja? hehe maklum nubi gan!

    1. bisa gannnn gak pake daftar... kalo mau cepat,, usahakn tipe koneksi hpnya yg udah 3G

  11. salam kenal gan
    mu tanya ni kalo pake paket fun night mesti ol nya malem trus donk gan? kalo siang balik lg ke 512 lg donk? trus kalo paketnya udah abis qosnya ke 512 lg ga?

  12. salam kenal juga...

    kalo paketnya habis,, paket fun night kan sampe jam 6, jadi usahakan jangan sampe koneksinya diputus,,, hingga melewati jam 6, jadi waktu konek, pilih IPC yang bisa di pake buat trik grontongan,,, insyallah donwloadnya pasti ngebut...

    1. tgl 13 Apri masih bisa gak gan config x?, yang baru ada gak?., thanks,...

    2. masih bisa gan,, ni aja ane masih make,, tapi proxinya aja pindahin ke atas,, pake yang 200

  13. donlot PF n pngtuan wat PF ny gmana gan....newbie

  14. gan ane masih bingung nih.. itu diatas berarti semua aplikasi digabung ya gan? apa ada kombinasi2nya.. mohon dijawab gan.. seperi ISPCE digabung sm aplikasi apa aja biar ngebut.. maaf newbie.. tolong dibales

  15. klo config yg buat tre bisa ga gan,,


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